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The Anglican Parish of Central is a three point parish in the Diocese of Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada. The three historic churches include, Christ Church, Bloomfield -1811, Trinity Church, Springfield -1820 and Church of the Ascension, Lower Norton Shore -1845.
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SC HAICEZAN SRL a fost infiintata in 1994 si are ca principal obiect de activitate tamplaria din lemn si pal melaminat. In cei peste 15 ani de activitate am acumulat destula experienta incat sa putem face fata oricarui proiect oricat de indraznet ar fi el. Compania noastra, pe baza certificarii ISO 9001, este aliniata standardelor europene, iar calitatea materialelor si preturile accesibile ne fac un producator si furnizor de mobila demn de luat in seama. Realizam si mobila pe comanda, oferind